wear characteristics of al 6061 reinforced with copper and zinc hybrid composite


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical and Production Engineering and Development

ISSN: 2320-7256          Impact Factor:1.398         Volume:1         Issue:3         Year: 05 April,2016         Pages:170-175

International Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical and Production Engineering and Development


The objectives of this work is to be fabricate hybrid composites with the base metal as Al6061 Aluminum alloy reinforced with a different percentage of Volume of copper particulates and Zinc by stir casting manufacturing method. The Specimen for wear analysis prepared as per the requirements of testing. The mechanical properties like tensile strength and hardness will be analyzed and these results will compare with the conventional materials and existing composite material. Suggest the suitable volume proportioned in hybrid composites.


Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites; Cu, Zn; Al6061; Stir casting; wear analysis, Reinforcement.


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