Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications
ISSN: 2320-7248 Impact Factor:1.8 Volume:2 Issue:2 Year: 08 March,2014 Pages:64-71
The Internet plays a significant role nowadays in our lives. Two main protocols are being implemented in the transport layer of the internet, namely UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). They are distinguished by their connection type. UDP is a connectionless protocol that suits for multimedia transmissions. TCP is a connection - oriented protocol used to provide a reliable data transfer between two systems. Internet traffic is TCP-based, which causes Congestion. To avoid the Congestion existing method used Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, and Fast Retransmit. To overcome the drawbacks Of the existing system, we propose two methods, Window Adjustment Procedure and Bandwidth Estimation. In window adjustment procedure the congestion window size is reduced in terms of 10%. Hence, it provides high utilization, minimum delay, maximum throughput, fairness. The bandwidth is estimated by the rate of returning acknowledgement.
Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, Window Adjustment Procedure, Bandwidth Estimation, Congestion Control
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