forward error correction scheme for high speed wireless communication

Reetu Tripathi,,,Neha Vaishampayan,Kalpana Chaturvedi

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications

ISSN: 2320-7248          Impact Factor:1.8         Volume:2         Issue:1         Year: 12 April,2016         Pages:150-159

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications


This paper focus on basic error correction detection i.e. especially forward error correction (FEC) scheme. Error Correction scheme increase the capacity by adding redundant information for the data transmission. The FEC code is used to secure data and information sent over the channel for storage as well as recover even in the presence of noise (errors). There are various error schemes like RS code, turbo code, convolution encoder, FEC, We introduce convolution encoder for encoding side and Viterbi Decoder for decoding side .Convolution encoding is a forward error correction technique which is used for correction of errors at the receiver side. Viterbi decoding is the technique for decoding the Convolution codes which is based on maximum likely hood decoding .this paper contributed works on basic techniques for error correction and detection.


FEC. Convolution encoder. Viterbi decoder. BER.


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