deep learning for visual tracking a comprehensive survey

Kalaivani S,Appunraj C,Dinesh Kumar D,Sathya V

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 22 April,2024         Pages:1894-1899

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


This project introduces a cutting-edge approach that combines advanced computer vision techniques with speech synthesis capabilities to achieve groundbreaking results. The impact of this innovation extends beyond technical advancements, finding relevance in diverse real-time applications. The fusion of speech synthesis with object detection adds a layer of accessibility and convenience to multiple scenarios. This system can revolutionize the way individuals with visual impairments interact with their surroundings, offering an auditory understanding of their environment. Furthermore, the model's ability to accurately measure distances between objects and the camera has far-reaching implications, spanning from enhanced object recognition in autonomous vehicles to optimized industrial processes and security monitoring. This project focus on combining speech and vision modalities to yield accurate object detection and distance calculation outcomes. This innovative endeavor sets the stage for intelligent systems that not only visualize the world but also communicate findings audibly, opening doors to novel applications and possibilities across various sectors.


Object detection, Web Camera, Image Preprocessing, DNN Algorithm


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