Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:6 Issue:3 Year: 05 March,2022 Pages:1668-1676
The advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies will play a significant role in the growth of smart cities and industrial applications. Network sustainability is considered as a significant characteristic for IoT based applications. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the emerging technologies utilized for sensing and data transferring processes in IoT-based applications offers such network sustainability where WSN is acted as the subnets in the IoT model. However, heterogeneous faults like hardware, software, and time-based faults are the major determinants that affect the network stability of IoT based WSN (IWSN) model and also the multi- objectives like coverage, connectivity and energy consumption are required to improve the quality of service in IoT based WSN (IWSN) model. In this paper, the Adaptive Coverage and Connectivity (ACC) scheme is proposed to attain the efficient IWSN model. It employs two underlying methodologies in which the first method provides the optimal coverage to all target objects and its mathematical model guarantees the coverage rate. The second method deals with connectivity and energy consumption of the network. The experimental results manifest that, unlike existing schemes, the proposed ACC scheme can sustain the network for a prolonged time. And at the same time, a novel Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Fault Management scheme has been proposed to manage these heterogeneous faults in IWSN. Efficient heterogeneous fault detection in the proposed scheme can be achieved by using three novel diagnosis algorithms. The new Tuned Support Vector Machine classifier facilitates to classify the heterogeneous faults where the tuning parameters of the proposed classifier will be optimized through Hierarchy based Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm. Finally, the performance results evident that the diagnosis accuracy of the proposed scheme acquires 99% and the false alarm rate sustains below 1.5% during a higher fault probability rate. The diagnosis accuracy rate is enhanced up to 17% as compared with existing techniques.
Fault diagnosis, Heterogeneous Faults, Internet of Things, Network Stability, Wireless Sensor Network, Multi-objective, Quality of service, ACC.
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