algorithm for reduced complexity and high performance embedded mimo receivers


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering and Development

ISSN: 2347 -7210          Impact Factor:1.9         Volume:1         Issue:1         Year: 08 November,2013         Pages:4-11

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering and Development


Matrix inversion is a key enabling technology in MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) communication systems. To date, no matrix inversion implementation has been devised which supports real-time operation for these standards. In this, we overcome this barrier by presenting a novel matrix inversion algorithm which is ideally suited to high performance floating-point implementation. Specifically, we present a matrix inversion approach based on modified squared Givens rotations (MSGR). This is a new QR decomposition algorithm which overcomes critical limitations in other QR algorithms that prohibits their application to MIMO systems. In addition, we present a novel modification that further reduces the complexity of MSGR by almost 20%. This enables real-time implementation with negligible reduction in the accuracy of the inversion operation, or the BER of a MIMO receiver based on this.


BLAST, matrix inversion, multiple input multiple output (MIMO), QR decomposition


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