womens personal security -wps using gps tracker

S.Vigneshwar,S.Vijay Ashwath,P.Balamurugan

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 05 April,2016         Pages:865-872

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Sexual assault is the fourth most common crime against women in India. In a year, average of 3,000 women are being sexually assaulted. This issue is not only faced by our country, but also many countries like Brazil, Hong Kong, Italy, etc. Our responsibility here is to provide a product WPS that can be wearied by the ladies of any age that provides her a way to get help from the police & trusted contacts to her current location as soon as possible, thus saving her life. This product is a GPS device which can be operated by the user depending upon the situation, where it gives an option to the user to activate the device & send the alert or reject the alert. An alert will be in the form of a message. The product is secured with a password lock in order to ensure the product stays with the user & also the lock security ensures that the belt can be removed/unlocked only by the user with the password set by the user. Our product coated with a material called Acrylite which has an unbreakable characteristic to ensure that the product is safe & sound from harm. The K Nearest Neighbor algorithm is used to search the nearest police station and send the alert. When the user feels she is in danger, she presses the button from the device & the GPS device from the product sends the women’s location to the police control room & nearby police stations, family & friends at the time of crime and ensure the help gets on time & hence saving her before the assault takes place. The Product consist of different types of alerts which is going to play a crucial role in getting help for the women who is in dangerous situation of being sexually assaulted. The details about the types of alerts are being discussed in the proposed system session. The concept of having the different types of alert is to provide a backup incase if one of the alert fails.


GPS Device, K Nearest Algorithm, Password lock, Acrylite material, Alerts.


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