weighted voting based trust management for intrusion tolerance in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications

ISSN: 2320-7248          Impact Factor:1.8         Volume:2         Issue:2         Year: 08 March,2014         Pages:35-42

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications


Heterogeneous wireless sensing element network (heterogeneous WSN) consists of sensing element nodes with totally different ability, like totally different computing power and sensing vary. Compared with homogenised WSN, readying and topology management square measure additional advanced in heterogeneous WSN. the present work bestowed redundancy management of heterogeneous wireless sensing element network s (HWSNs), utilizing multipath routing to answer user queries in presence of unreliable and malicious nodes. Redundancy management exploits trade-off between energy consumption against gain in responsibleness and timeliness and security to maximise system helpful period of time. It’s optimality is arrived to dynamically confirm the most effective redundancy level to use to multipath routing for intrusion tolerance.The question response success chance is maximized and also the life time is prolonged. Voting-based distributed intrusion discoverion formula was applied to detect and evict malicious nodes in HWSN. The chance model was analyzed with the most effective redundancy level in terms of path redundancy and supply redundancy. The projected work bestowed Weighted vote primarily based Trust Management theme to boost the performance of intrusion tolerance in HWSN. The Trust model permits every sensing element node to guage trustiness of neighbor in HWSN region of section. Weighted vote is introduced to all or any the neighbor nodes supported name count worth of corresponding sensing element node. Simulations were conducted on totally different sensing element nodes to live the performance in terms of. The projected work showed an improvement of in comparison to the present.


Intrusion Detection Network, Wireless sensing element Network, Multipath Routing, Trust Management


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