Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:4 Issue:3 Year: 01 April,2016 Pages:744-751
The main challenge of Wireless Sensor Networks is to transfer the data with less cost and energy. Another requirement of efficient WSN is to have a maximum lifetime of sensor nodes. To overcome this barrier, many techniques such as, LEACH, PEGASIS etc., are invented over the decades. This project proposes the concept of dual cluster head which follows sleep and awake modes to share the work load. AODV routing protocol is used to enhance the next hop to be selected based on forward aware factor (FAF). This system improves the energy efficiency and reduces the delay and hence this technique can be used for weed detection among cereal crops. Low-Energy-Adaptive Clustering Head is the most popular wireless sensor technique. It is the clustering based routing algorithm. Improved version of LEACH is PEGASIS (Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems). It is a near optimal chain based protocol. LEACH protocol is a simple solution where the clusters are formed to fuse data before transmitting to the base station. When a node dies, it is very difficult to transmit data to the base station directly hence LEACH protocol is used to transfer data efficiently to the base station. Later a protocol named PEGASIS was proposed which is an improvement over LEACH protocol
LEACH, PEGASIS, Forward Award factor, Tiny aggregation,Hybrid Energy Efficent Distributed.
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