Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:6 Issue:2 Year: 20 December,2016 Pages:1115-1122
The significance of sensor technology is constantly growing. These devices help monitor our surroundings in ways we could not even begin to imagine a few years ago. Mobility is one of the main problems encountered by the blind in their daily life. Over time, blind and visually impaired people have used some methods and devices, such as the long white cane and guide dog, to aid in mobility and to increase safe and independent travel. There are commonly known as electronic travel aids. In order to help blind travellers to navigate safely and quickly among obstacles and other hazards faced by blind pedestrians, an obstacle detection system using ultrasonic sensors and vibrators has been considered in this aid. In our proposed system, the blind person can be guided through the voice alert about the object present in the environment. We describe an approach to aid blind people in detecting the presence and proximity of obstacles in their path by means of Ultrasonic which is used to find the obstacle, if found it is intimated to the person through the respective vibration motor and headset. A GPS navigation device can help navigate turn-by-turn directions. With it, you can reach any destination you want with relative ease, without needing persons.
Ultrasonic Sensor, GPS, Voice Board
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