use of nanoparticle tracking analysis (nta) for particle size determination of dispersed catalyst in bitumen and heavy oil fractions

Victor M Rodriguez-DeVecchis,Lante Carbognani,Carlos Scott,Pedro Pereira-Almao

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

ISSN: xxxx-xxx          Impact Factor:xx         Volume:1         Issue:1         Year: 13 February,2016         Pages:24-40

International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


The use of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) for size determination of nano-catalysts dispersed in bitumen or heavy oil fractions is investigated. A method for sample preparation is proposed and comments on the technique adaptation and troubleshoot are addressed and discussed. The NTA was able to measure the particle size of a tri-metallic catalyst dispersed in bitumen obtaining a mode size of 111nm, with particles ranging from 40 to 1000nm and 80% of them between 57-176nm. NTA data was confronted with the particle size obtained by depositing the catalyst on sand and analyzing it through SEM-EDX, obtaining the same particle size range. Refinement of the sample preparation method and measuring parameters are suggested.


Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA), particle size, dispersed catalyst, bitumen and heavy oil fraction processing


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