time enabling method to approach to secure data based on blockchain


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 24 April,2023         Pages:1748-1753

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


There are several research works focusing on preserving the privacy of the electronic healthcare record company. We propose a proxy Blowfish encryption approach to secure data sharing in cloud environments. Data owners can outsource their encrypted data to the cloud using identity-based encryption, while blowfish encryption construction will grant legitimate users access to the data. we design an inference attack-resistant e-healthcare cloud system with fine grained access control. We first propose a three-layer encryption scheme. To ensure an efficient and fine-grained access control over the company data. Further, our system model is based on blockchain, a disruptive technology that enables decentralization in data sharing. This Technique will allow only limited access rights to an authorized agent to access the records for a specific time period. This technique will use a searchable encryption technique. Process of design applications with this method is through several stages, such as process of encryption, decryption, key generation and testing of the methods used. To reduce the storage problem in Cloud we have split the file into different block and get stored, so storage problem get rectified. By using those methods and algorithm our company Data can share privacy and secure. The security analysis and evaluation of our scheme show the promise of our approach in ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and security.


Access Control, Blockchain, Data Security


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