the effect of teaching literature on learning english language: a study on efs (english as a foreign students) and efl classes

Areen Ahmed Muhammed,

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Literature and Education

ISSN: 2348-2346          Impact Factor:1.9         Volume:1         Issue:1         Year: 09 December,2013         Pages:27-38

International Journal of Advanced Research in Literature and Education


Language as a phenomenon is the basic means of communication. It is considered as the heritage of humankind. Indeed, it is language in its distinctive shape or form that separates the human race from other living species. Language is the source of comprehension, which sets one society apart from another. On the other hand, literature is the source of inspiration and expression of social, philosophical, theological, or whatsoever sort of ideas. Moreover, the history of any language will be powerful through the careful and clever use of literature. Using literature in ESL / EFL classes has been a matter of intensive debate, at least for those who devaluate teaching literature to non-native students in favour of employing only the traditional methods of language teaching. For such a group, using other than the well-known methods of teaching – including studying literary texts - is a waste of time and effort. Nevertheless, there has appeared another group of teachers with another perspective: why not using the rich language material of literature to achieve the best results as regards language learning? Therefore, the paper is intended to expose the helpful impact of literature -no matter what form it takes - on language and language proficiency. It has a vital role in acquainting the learners with the ways by which the target language can be expressed.


literature, language learning, role, and technique, teaching EFL / ESL classes, methods.


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