sustainable development in chennais construction industry-an agenda for the future


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Civil,Structural,Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering and Developing

ISSN: 2320-723X          Impact Factor:1.7         Volume:3         Issue:1         Year: 03 March,2017         Pages:312-321

International Journal of Advanced Research in Civil,Structural,Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering and Developing


Sustainable constructionis the process for the building and infra structure to move a head towards gaining sustainable improvement ,taking into consideration on the environmental ,socio economic and culturalissues .This study presents the constructions cenario of Chennai and the development insustainable construction taking place in the city .It is known that change sin the behaviour of individuals ,institutions and organizations are aprere quisite for sustainable development. Sustainable development has been consider edas an important is suein the construction industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate and suggest the factors motivating us trainability development in the construction firms .The development ttha tmee the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation to mee ttheir own needs.The factors affecting the implementation of sustainable and the future solution for successful implementation of a red is cussed. In the conclusion the status of sustainable construction in Chennai is still initsearly period. This frame work enable sall construction companies in Chennai to assess the project sustainability performanceina consistentand acceptable way, thus showing progress through cooperation among all stake holders and real estate development & promoters to attains atis factory project sustainability performance.




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