Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications
ISSN: 2320-7248 Impact Factor:1.8 Volume:2 Issue:1 Year: 08 January,2014 Pages:1-8
This paper is the base for a new project about node and link protection in wavelength division multiplexing mesh networks to assure 100% node protection in addition to the protection against the single link failure and also dual link failures, for this purpose we propose a p-cycle protection scheme. Previous studies offer some node protection shows the expense of some overlapping p-cycle with very mild impact on the bandwidth efficiency, we can guarantee node protection. A design model and solution method is introduced for solving based on the large scale optimization tools namely column generation (CG).The role of the column generation computes the node and link protection offered by p-cycles. Earlier models offer a solution where we need to concentrate on a large number of potential cycles needs first, leading to very large ILP models which cannot be scaled. We compare our model and the work of Grover and Onguetou (2009). ). Our proposed model clearly outperforms the design in terms of capacity efficiency and of the number of distinct cycles when compared with previous models.
Survivable WDM networks, p-cycles, node protection, column generation
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