Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:3 Issue:1 Year: 26 June,2014 Pages:263-271
Wireless sensor networks (WNS) are widely used distributed networks to contact with the real world in various applications such as Environmental Monitoring, Vehicle Tracking and Mapping, and Emergency Response. The main problem in such application is to identify the node position; challenges in wireless sensor network are to have communication between the nodes under limited resources and processing noisy data without any reduction. So the methods for localization using range based techniques are calculated. These techniques will limit the fixed and mobile nodes for effective communication. Similarity Hashing Function and an Identity based Combined Signature allows nodes to check incoming encoded packets, and introduces an efficient mechanism to reduce the computation overhead and protect from effluence attack. Performance evaluation of various localization techniques are analyzed in terms of fault detection efficiency, communication overhead, average error rate, time consumption and packet loss rate.
Localization, Anomalies, Protocols, Analysis, Parameters
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