stock price prediction using machine learning

J. Velumani M.E Phd,P. Sakthivel,K.Sivasubramanian,S.Thirupathi

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 18 June,2022         Pages:1692-1700

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Machine learning is effectively implemented in forecasting stock prices. The objective is to predict the stock prices (Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon) in order to make more informed and accurate investment decisions. We propose a stock price prediction system that integrates mathematical functions, machine learning, and other external factors for the purpose of achieving better stock prediction accuracy and issuing profitable trades. There are two types of stocks. You may know of intraday trading by the commonly used term "day trading." Interlay traders hold securities positions from at least one day to the next and often for several days to weeks or months. Sentiments intensity are very powerful in sequence prediction problems because they’re able to store past information. This is important in our case because the previous price of a stock is crucial in predicting its future price. While predicting the actual price of a stock is an uphill climb, we can build a model that will predict whether the price will go up or down.


Stock Price Prediction, Machine Learning, Linear Discrement Analysis


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