Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:3 Issue:1 Year: 25 August,2014 Pages:375-380
Programs of online technological innovation enhance the quality of tracking and making decisions in intelligent lines. These online technological innovations are susceptible to harmful strikes, and limiting them can have serious technological and cost-effective problems. There are methods like rule obfuscation and watermarking which can make the source rule of a system difficult to understand by people and validate the ownership of the system. However, rule obfuscation cannot avoid the source program code being copied and a watermark can be defaced. In it uses a relatively new technique, program birthmark, to help identify program code theft of JavaScript applications. A birthmark is a unique attribute a system provides that can be used to identify the system. It improves two newest birthmark methods that attract out the birthmark of an program from the run-time load. It suggests a remodeled system with improved durability and performed comprehensive tests to justify the performance and durability of it.
Code theft detection, heap graph, software birthmark, software protection.
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