social images summerization

Khaire Sujata,Waghmode Vaishali,Ingale Bhagyashri,Shinde Priyanka

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 11 April,2015         Pages:397-407

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


In our proposed approach Geo-tagging concept is introduced. Geo-tagging gives scope for attaching location-specific information to the photograph that information is in the form of longitude and latitude coordinates. In this paper introducing a novel approach to create automatic visual summaries of Geo-tagged images that containing visual summery such as color, texture, user tags, description etc. With the help of visual summary and metadata of an image we represent the diverse and representative images of specific geographic area. In proposed system the input from user as searching a location based on input location the proposed system create a certain radius around the location with the help of random walk with restart RWR concept construction of the graph that builds the relation between each image node and extract the visual feature and metadata of an images after that introducing edge weight mechanism which calculates the similarities and dissimilarities between image nodes and represent the most diverse and representative images set. This is simple and effective approach that helps to user to decide whether he/she visit a particular location or not. This approach uses only Geo-coordinates for making visual summery so it gives advantage over human annotation.


Geo-tagging, Flickr, image clustering, graph-based models, Visual diversity, RWR, visual summarization of geographic areas.


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