secured document storage in cloud over specified time allowance paradigm

M.A.Rithani Priyanga,B.Santhiya,P.Sai Nikhitha

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:5         Issue:3         Year: 20 March,2015         Pages:384-391

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


The user will ready to store the documents to the cloud that contains account numbers, personal data’s, to vary essential information that may be used and ill-used, a rival, or a court of law. These documents square measure cached, and archived by Cloud Service suppliers. Self-destructing Technique largely aims to protecting the user data’s privacy. Information copies become destructed or clear once a user-specified time, with none user intervention. In addition, the writing secret is destructed once the user-specified time. Our planned system about to do some advanced techniques these square measure, once cloud user sends the document, the user enforced destructor more there to document. That destructor will delete the document once the user such time. Just in case the receiver will downloaded that document at intervals the desired time, that may additionally destructed then time length. Attributable to that destructor dynamically created therewith document and it will erase it with none user intervention.


cloud computing, Self-destructing, privacy


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