secure file storage on cloud using hybrid cryptography

T.Tamilarasan,M.Navaneetha Krishnan M.E., Ph.D.,

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 15 April,2021         Pages:1589-1598

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


As an emerging technology and business paradigm, Cloud computing platforms provide easy access to a company’s high-performance, computing and storage infrastructure through web services. Mainly cloud computing technology enables users/enterprises to eliminate the requirements for setting up of expensive computing infrastructure and reduces system’s operating costs. Data security and privacy are increasingly becoming the predominant issue that affects small and medium business organizations’ readiness to migrate their data from on-site to cloud storage facilities. As a result, this technology is used by an increasing number of end users. On the other hand, existing security deficiencies and vulnerabilities of underlying technologies can leave an open door for intrusions. Therefore, cloud computing providers need to protect their user’s sensitive data from insider or outsider attacks by installing an intrusion detection system. Form the viewpoint of security, Deduplication, various risks and issues are identified in the area of Cloud Computing. There are various risks associated with the security but one of the major issues is the security of data being stored on the provider's cloud and privacy while the data is being transmitted. This paper deals with various issues associated with security and focus mainly on the data security and methods of providing security by data encryption. Various encryption methods of block cipher algorithms such as Triple DES, Blowfish are discussed for providing solutions to cloud


Cloud, Cryptography


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