secure and efficient sharing of health records using random key generation technique


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 04 May,2021         Pages:1643-1648

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Sharing digital medical records on public cloud storage via devices facilitates patients (doctors) to get (offer) medical treatment of high quality and efficiency. However, challenges such as data privacy protection, flexible data sharing, efficient authority delegation, computation efficiency optimization, are remaining toward achieving practical fine-grained access control in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. Nevertheless, storing the confidential health information to cloud servers is susceptible to revelation or theft and calls for the development of methodologies that ensure the privacy of the EMR. Therefore, a methodology called secure sharing of the EMR (SeSEMR) in the cloud has been implemented. The SeSEMR scheme ensures patient-centric control on the EMR and preserves the confidentiality of the EMR. The patients store the encrypted EMR on the un-trusted cloud servers and selectively grant access to different types of users on different portions of the PHRs. A semi-trusted proxy called Setup and Re-encryption Server (SRS) is introduced to set up the public/private key pairs and to produce the re-encryption keys. In our proposed RC4 algorithm is used to encrypt data and random key generator is used for every request.


RC4-Rivest cipher 4, API – Application Programming Interface, SAS– Storage aggregation Server.


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