search without search: location based services

Sanjeev Kumar Jha,Vishwas Mandlik,Akash Pawar,Devendra Patadia

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications

ISSN: 2320-7248          Impact Factor:1.8         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 22 March,2015         Pages:116-124

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications


SWOS System is a project where the goal is to enhance the experience of Instance Instant Alert Messenger which will give alerts before particular time depending on current location of user and tasks to be performed. It will also notify user about the undone work which can be completed within available leisure time without affecting other tasks of schedule. In leisure time, user can search for shops available in local area. In order to allow consumers to retrieve more information such as location of vendors, an advertisement publishing, proposes a location-based mobile advertisement publishing. The application is able to provide vendors not only the ability to edit advertisements, but also the means to publish advertisements to consumers and also a low cost and effective way to implement digital advertisement publishing mechanisms. The mobile client is implemented using J2ME & JavaScript and the repository and the web client is implemented using php & MySQL .The integration of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, WI-FI, GPRS, 3G and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for distance calculation purpose.


Location-based, Mobile Advertisement, Publishing System, Mobile Phones, Mobile Widgets, GPS.


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