related packet padding for anonymous web browsing in mobile devices against traffic analysis attack


Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:5         Issue:1         Year: 25 March,2015         Pages:391-403

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Anonymous web browsing is becoming more popular to meet web privacy protection. To meet anonymity, we propose related packet padding strategy in which web page related to user request is selected as cover page based on the popularity for anonymous web browsing systems. Earlier predicted packet strategy was used for anonymous web browsing systems in which web page based on popularity is selected as cover page. In related packet padding strategy the probability of reusing cover page is relatively increased. Usage of mobile devices for web browsing is currently being increased. One of the major disadvantages of web browsing using mobile device is the limited availability of computational power and memory space. The increase in the data due to the cover page is offset by the improvement in the caching technique . We propose LFU-LS (Least frequently used –Local statistics) algorithm to use the small size cache memory devices effectively for storing web pages by calculating Local statistics for a file. If a new file is downloaded into cache initial read hits is calculated by using statistics from the server. When a user reads a cached file, the local read-hits-counter is increased. To prevent ageing of a file in cache, a threshold value is assigned. Whenever read-hits-counter attains a threshold value, that value is halved to prevent the aging file to reside in the cache memory. By using LFU-LS algorithm we can efficiently utilize the memory space


Privacy protection,packet padding,LFU_LS.


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