recommendation system using deep learning

A.P.Preetha,G Anbu Selvi

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 03 April,2021         Pages:1535-1543

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Investment firms, hedge funds and even individuals have been using financial models to better understand market behavior and make profitable investments and trades. A wealth of information is available in the form of historical stock prices and company performance data, suitable for machine learning algorithms to process.Can we actually predict stock prices with machine learning? Investors make educated guesses by analyzing data. They'll read the news, study the company history, industry trends and other lots of data points that go into making a prediction. The prevailing theories is that stock prices are totally random and unpredictable but that raises the question why top firms like Morgan Stanley and Citigroup hire quantitative analysts to build predictive models. We have this idea of a trading floor being filled with adrenaline infuse men with loose ties running around yelling something into a phone but these days they're more likely to see rows of machine learning experts quietly sitting in front of computer screens. In fact about 70% of all orders on Wall Street are now placed by software, we're now living in the age of the algorithm.


prediction; forecast, datamining , recommendation


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