Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering and Development
ISSN: 2347 -7210 Impact Factor:1.9 Volume:3 Issue:2 Year: 20 December,2016 Pages:120-129
In multihop wireless sensor network data transmitted between sender and receiver through intermediate nodes. However sensor networks are deployed various no of real time applications where data aggregation is performed to collect the entire data from various no of sources. While performing data aggregation in sensor networks trustworthiness important keyfactor to achieve in network. In senor network there maybe presence of adversary nodes which leads untrustworthiness of data and makes the network subjects to various attacks and form packet drop. The scope of this paper is to provide source sharing information over the network for different attacks prevention methods which gives more secure environment and to transmit the data without packet drop. This paper we proposes a elliptical curve cryptographic technique to transfer the data in secure manner. Elliptical curve scalar technique shows resistance to side channel attacks in sensor network and verify the data correctness in the cryptographic system.
privacy, elliptical curve cryptographic, secure, intruder, aggregate, network.
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