precision aware selfquantizing hardware architecture for the discrete wavelet transform

C. Bhaskar,P.Raja Pirian

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications

ISSN: 2320-7248          Impact Factor:1.8         Volume:1         Issue:3         Year: 08 November,2013         Pages:35-41

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications


In this work I present a design for both bitparallel(BP) and digit-serial(DS) precision-optimized implementations of the discrete wavelet transform(DWT), with specific consideration given to the impact of depth(the number of levels of DWT) on the overall computational accuracy. These methods allow customizing the precision of a multilevel DWT to a given error tolerance requirement and ensuring an energy-minimal implementation, which increases the applicability of DWTbased algorithms such as JPEG 2000 to energy-constrained platforms and environments. Additionally, quantization of DWT coefficients to a specific target step size is performed as an inherent part of the DWT computation, thereby eliminating the need to have a separate downstream quantization step in applications such as JPEG 2000 .R esults indicate that while BP designs exhibit inherent speed advantages, DS designs require significantly fewer hardware resources with increasing precision and DWT level. A four-level DWT with medium precision, for example, while the BP design is four times faster than the digital- serial design, occupies twice the area. Index Terms— Fixed point arithmetic, image coding, very large scale integration (VLSI), wavelet transforms.


A key element of JPEG 2000 is the discrete wavelet transform (DWT),


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