performance of forward error correction convolution encoder viterbi decoder

Reetu Tripathi,Neha Vaishampayan,Kalpana Chaturvedi

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications

ISSN: 2320-7248          Impact Factor:1.8         Volume:5         Issue:3         Year: 20 December,2016         Pages:212-217

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications


The crux of this research article is forward error correction encoder and viterbi decoder .The Viterbi algorithm estimate the maximum likelihood path through a trellis based on received symbols. Viterbi algorithm has lots of applications due to its error detection and correction character. Convolution encoding with Viterbi decoding is a authoritative method for forward error correction. It has been broadly deployed in many wireless communication systems to get better the limited capacity of the communication channels. The viterbi algorithm is implemented for detection and correction of single bit error.


Forward Error Correction (FEC), Maximum Likelihood, Convolution Encoder & Viterbi Decoder


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