new event detection for web page reccomendation using web mining

Dhaslima Nasrin.S,Mubina.A,Shanmugapriya .K

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 27 March,2017         Pages:1245-1252

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


In this paper, we propose an uncertainty analysis of the online events and its application to Webpage recommendations by a new approach to observe, summarize and track events from a collection of new Web pages. Given a set of web services, we calculate response-time for the web services and also obtain feedback to improve the web service by the means of HMM model. We examine some experimental results and show the usefulness of our approach. The literature of Webpage recommendations will be roughly classified into two categories: 1) non content based methods and 2) content-based strategies. We tend to propose a framework to identify the various underlying levels of linguistics uncertainty in terms of internet events, and then utilize these for Webpage recommendations. Our plan is to contemplate an internet event as a system composed of various keywords, and therefore the uncertainty of this keyword system is expounded to the uncertainty of the actual Web event, we tend to establish the different levels of linguistics uncertainty, and construct a linguistics pyramid to precise the uncertainty hierarchy of an internet event.


Social event, uncertainty analysis, Web event, Web mining, Web page recommendation


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