Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:3 Issue:2 Year: 25 August,2014 Pages:375-381
The main objective of the work is to access the vast repository of information that is, Wikipedia’s structure and its content using an open source toolkit named as Wikipedia miner. Wikipedia content is a promising resource for natural language processing and many other research areas. An automate process is designed here to validate the available list of key phrases from different domains using this toolkit in two different steps explained below. KEA (Key phrase Extraction algorithm) is an algorithm for extracting key phrases from text documents. Different combinations of Key phrases are extracted here from a part of the process using KEA. It first cleans the input text, then identifies phrases, and finally stems it. The identified phrases from KEA are then validated by searching it in Wikipedia’s content structure. If the phrase is found in the Wikipedia content, then it will be a valid key phrase. It will be useful for developing various applications like thesaurus creation, domain-specific indexing and searching etc.
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