multi-index method for geospatial content based image retrieval

Adlene Ebenezer P,Suchithra ,Poovaraghan R J

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:2         Issue:2         Year: 08 March,2014         Pages:92-98

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


In recent years, due to the enormous increase in image database sizes, there is a need for indexing and image retrieval system development. The problem for fast searching and retrieval of refined images has attracted tremendous attention. Content Based Image Retrieval is the most emerging field in the area of image search and indexing, finding similar images for the given query image from the image database. CBIR system focuses on retrieving images from the database, the system depends on how the indexing is being implemented. The proposed technique for indexing is weighted multi indexing; weights for the each index can be obtained dynamically for each query. The input to the search process is a multi object; a multi object search can be used to identify relevant groups of object which match a given set of query objects. In the area of satellite imagery retrieval, the images stored in the database are labeled by feature vectors, which are extracted from the images. CBIR indexes are built for each class of features.


Content Based Image Retrieval(CBIR), weighted indexing, multi-object, image database.


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