Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:6 Issue:3 Year: 22 October,2018 Pages:1405-1409
Abstract -Here the crowd source user posts their information about disaster of respective location. Respective user of the social network communication or group posts their information to publish about disasters. Social network communication is initialed to obtain overall opinion about a particular issue. Using social network communication, reliable disaster information is retrieved by having particular disaster issue on the social network using reliable data extraction a mail alert is sent to the respective social network user. Data is extracted using Stemming Algorithm and Zigbee based communication is established when mobile network is not present. People are rescued before the disaster. Retrieve reliable situational information from crowd sourcing during the disasters. When mobile network is not present a Zigbee based IOT communication is established.
Social Network, Stemming Algorithm, Mail Alert, Zigbee, Data Extraction
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