integrate a concurrent query search in stuctured database

R.Rajalakshmi,S.Umadevi ,Yasodhei

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 19 March,2016         Pages:425-432

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


A study of various link investigation and grouping algorithms such as Binary SVM, Backtracking, and Greedy based on visit of Links K-Fold, Fuzzy K-Fold. Whereas grouping algorithms has termed Fuzzy Soft, Rough K-Fold is a mixture of Rough K-Fold and fuzzy softest and provide efficient results than Rough K-Fold approach and K-Fold. Some organization or enterprises very much intent in increasing their page ranks as an alternative of upward their business. It is a fact that with increase in page rank your business will not grow. But a novel hash table is a fundamental data structure in computer science that can offer rapid storage and retrieval of data. The literature survey shows how these algorithms are used for link-analysis and extracts the information, containing stuffs and pictures from web pages expertly. In new algorithm Weighted Page Content Rank user can get pertinent and vital pages easily as it pays web structure mining and web content mining. A web Binary SVM analysis can be put on the consequence where the searching and interface with the numerous web data is essential, so in order to offer real result the procedure can be used.


Data Ranking, Data access, User Query Search


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