Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:4 Issue:3 Year: 05 April,2016 Pages:889-896
Indoor Positioning System IPS has played a major part in using navigation inside an enclosed or indoor location. Predominant Smartphone as localization subsystems currently relies on server-side localization processes, allowing the service provider to know the location of a user at all time. Here we propose an algorithm to avoid the other sources from accessing personal data from the user hence avoiding data theft. This also helps in consuming less energy than traditional systems. A key observation is that these incidents typically involve large congregations of individuals, which form durable and stable areas with high density. Since the process of discovering, gathering patterns over large-scale trajectory databases can be quite lengthy, we further develop a set of well thought out techniques to improve the system performance. We have evaluated our framework using a real prototype developed in Android and Hardtop HBase as well as realistic Wi-Fi traces scaling-up to several GBs. We can offer fine-grained localization in approximately four orders of magnitude, less energy and number of Messages than competitive approaches.
Indoor, localization, Smart phones, trajectory, fine grained, privacy, Android.
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