Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:6 Issue:2 Year: 20 December,2016 Pages:1105-1114
In this project, we consider a three-fold strategy namely CFA approach that provide large data archive of medical records to generate a high performance telemedicine database system. This is a MediSmart approach that tends to decrease data communication, increases system throughput, reliability and data availability. It defines a site that participates in the medical transactions involving databases at two or more sites that reduce the workload of administrators. This type of distribution reduces the number of medical data exchanges required for query processing in terms of retrieval and update transactions. The potential benefits of our system is seen to be cost saving as it provide services in terms of man-hours of verbal instruction by medical experts, the support in terms of objectives and consistent decision making. We put forth load balancing as the major feature that is monitored by the Telemedicine server. In the event of receiving multiple requests simultaneously, load balancing is done by our MediSmart telemedicine system to get optimal resource utilization and decrease computing time that attain greater degree of fault tolerance, which allows the service to continue even in the face of server down time due to server failure or server maintenance. The proposed CFA approach is internally validated by measuring the impact of using computing techniques on various performance features. The external validation is achieved by comparing the performance of our MediSmart system to that of other systems that implement existing techniques.
Telemedicine, MediSmart and CFA Clustering Fragmentation Allocation.
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