Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
ISSN: 2321-4775 Impact Factor:1.6 Volume:2 Issue:2 Year: 08 April,2014 Pages:79-88
This paper proposed transformer less modular interleaved boost converter is used to achieve high step-up ratio and high efficiency for AC-Micro Grid applications. The output of Photo Voltaic panel (PV) is given to the Interleaved Boost Converter (IBC). Using the Z-source inverter convert high step up AC voltage from high step up dc voltage to the load/ micro grid applications. By using the soft switching (ZVS) to reduce the voltage stress, switching loss and conduction loss. The ZSI has reliable and highly efficient for boost conversions and reduce the harmonics.It is seen that, for higher power applications, more converter modules can be paralleled to increase the power rating and the dynamic performance. Then, steady-state analysis is made to show the merits of the proposed converter module. The performance of the proposed system is validated with simulations carried out using MATLAB software.
Interleaved Boost Converter (IBC), ZVS, AC-Micro Grid, ZSI, voltage stress
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