image search engine based on intension of user

Ramesh Lavhe,Amrit Priyadarshi

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:3         Year: 21 April,2015         Pages:401-409

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Image retrieval is widely used area for the number of applications like journalism, medicine, art collections, scientific database .Most of the existing image search engines are text query based where retrieval result is ambiguous due to multiple meanings of provided textual query. So proposed system targets at the retrieving relevant images based on user’s search intention. A novel image retrieval approach uses Text query and Visual information of the image for retrieval .Main objective of this system is to capture the user’s search intention in just ‘One Click’ query image and to display most similar images to this clicked image based on its content. Firstly user’s intention is captured by asking user to click one image from the result of text based image retrieval. After that clusters of images are formed based on their visual content and visual query hence text query is expanded. Finally, expanded keyword and Visual query expansion are used to retrieve more relevant images from given database. In this paper best combination techniques for important features like Color, Texture, and shape are used to measure visual similarity between images


Keywords: Image Reranking, Image pool & query expansion, precision, visual features, visual query.


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