high performance pv power generation using z source inverter

Selva santhose Kumar R,Priyaa Dharshini R

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ISSN: 2321-4775          Impact Factor:1.6         Volume:2         Issue:2         Year: 08 April,2014         Pages:68-78

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Photovoltaic source (PV) has become one of the most promising DC sources of the future. We use inverter to convert the dc output of the PV in order to utilize it for AC appliances. Z-source inverter which is an advancement of traditional converter (VSI & CSI), with a built-in X shaped impedance network. This provides a single stage power conversion concept whereas the traditional inverter requires two stage power conversions for renewable energy applications. With modification to the traditional pulse width modulated (PWM) signal there are three PWM strategies are used for Z-source inverter. In this maximum boost control which helps in high voltage conversion factor with a short shoot through duration and helps in attaining voltage boost gain by converting all traditional zero states into shoot-through state. This prevents the damage of inverter, high voltage stress and reduces dead time delay.


current source inverter, pulse width modulation, voltage source inverter, z-source inverter.


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