Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics, Communication & Instrumentation Engineering and Development
ISSN: 2347 -7210 Impact Factor:1.9 Volume:3 Issue:1 Year: 06 April,2017 Pages:488-493
Gesture-XPLAIN aims at solving the problem of limited communication abilities of those people, who only knows sign language, to talk naturally with the rest of the world by transforming their sign language gestures it into a form of verbal communication. The goal is to create a smart glove system and a mobile device that can continuously recognize sign language gesture and translate that into spoken words. The glove is fitted with a flex-sensors, gyroscope, magnetometer and accelerometer sensors to sense the movement made by hand and fingers. A low power ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller recognizes the movement by means of acquiring, processing and running a sensor fusion algorithm. The system translates the sign recognized into meaningful text. This text is then transferred to a smart phone app over a Bluetooth channel where the text will be converted into speech.
gesture , flux sensor, accelerometer, ,magnetometer.
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