global network working system in mobile communication using on-demand multicast routing protocol

Dr.S.Saravanakumar, Dr.S.Sankar

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications

ISSN: 2320-7248          Impact Factor:1.8         Volume:1         Issue:2         Year: 08 March,2013         Pages:26-34

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications


In Beyond Third Generation Wireless Communications, multiple overlays of wireless Access Network may cooperate to allow a user access to novel services, the demands of the services will significantly increase the load on location management systems within the networks. In Our paper we proposed a scheme for providing efficient Mobile Terminal (MT) Location Discovery and Paging across an interworked network consisting a Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) network and Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) network. ODMRP (On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol) is a popular multicastprotocol for wireless adhoc networks. The strengths of ODMRP are simplicity, high packet delivery ratio, and non-dependencyon specific unicast protocols. Owing to performing scoped flooding of packets ODMRP suffers from excessive controloverhead and redundant data transmissions when the number of multicast source increases, which simultaneously leads toincreasing network load and waste of the limited resources of thenodes. In order to cope with the problems, we propose animproved ad hoc multicast routing protocol based on ODMRPreferred to as IODMRP.The simulation results allow cellular network operators to configure their inter-worked system to reduce location management and paging costs whilst controlling average latency and also broadcast to Mobile Terminals. Our results demonstrate that our UMTS LA plus DVB paging schemes provide efficient MT discovery in an inter-network environment that includes uni-directional broadcast network such as DVB; we achieve a minimum 4 times reduction in paging cost across the inter-network compared with independent paging systems


limited energy, lowbandwidth, and unreliable communication


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