fuzzy logic: a new approach to predict lightning impulses on transmission line tower

Maroofa H. Rawoot,M.F.A.R.Satarkar,Gorakhshnath B.Abande

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ISSN: 2321-4775          Impact Factor:1.6         Volume:2         Issue:1         Year: 08 April,2014         Pages:79-84

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Lightning is a widespread natural phenomenon, but also a kind of natural disasters. So it is important to monitor and study lightning signal for early warning effectively. The researchers almost have to keen to mitigate overvoltage problems related to lightning. Lightning causes huge disasters to not only electrical and electronics equipments but also to the human beings. It is very advantageous to predict its occurrence. This paper summarizes the idea behind the prediction of lightning by using fuzzy logic controller. By using this method we know the possibilities of lightning stroke. Hence the damages to the power system equipment can be minimized to large extent.


lightning, fuzzy logic controller, damages.


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