Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:3 Issue:1 Year: 26 June,2014 Pages:354-363
We consider the location service in a mobile ad-hoc network(MANET), where each node needs to maintain its location information by 1)frequently updating its location information within its neighboring region, which is called neighborhood update (NU), 2)Occasionally updating its location information to certain distributed location server in the network, which is called location server update(LSU). The tradeoff between the operation costs in location updates and the performance losses of the target application due to location inaccuracies imposes a crucial question for nodes to decide the optimal strategy to update their location information, where the optimality is in the sense of minimizing the overall costs. This chapter reviews research on routing in ad hoc and sensor wireless networks in the view of node mobility, changes in node activity, and availability of methods to determine absolute or relative coordinates of each node. Various approaches in literature are classified according to some criteria. Mobility is apparently a very difficult problem to handle in ad hoc networks, and all proposed solutions have significant drawbacks. Additional problems arise with ‘sleep’ period operation, that is changes in node’s activity status with or without mobility. While significant progress has been made on the routing with known destination location, location updates issue to enable efficient routing requires further investigation. A trade-off exists between the costs in location update operations, on one hand, and the additional incurred costs in (position-based) routing due to location errors, on the other hand. In this paper, Under a Markovian mobility model, the location update decision problem is modeled as a Markovian Decision Process (MDP)
Location update, mobile ad hoc network,MDP, routing algorithm, LSU and NU
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