enhanced biometric authentication system using mixed fingerprints with emphasis on pre-processing

Aswathy Sankar,Angel.P

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:2         Issue:3         Year: 08 April,2014         Pages:229-238

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Fingerprint combination for privacy protection is a novel system for defensive fingerprint privacy by coalescing two dissimilar fingerprints into a new identity. Fingerprints are captured using a biometric scanner in real time. In the enrolment, two fingerprints are captured from two dissimilar fingers. An improved adaptive fingerprint enhancement method based on contextual filtering is used to process the images. Four updated blocks are 1.Preprocessing 2) global analysis3) Local analysis 4)Matched Filtering. The minutiae loci from one fingerprint, the orientation from the other, and the reference points from both fingerprints are extracted. Based on this extracted information, a combined minutiae template is engendered and warehoused in a database. In the authentication, the system requires two query fingerprints from the same two fingers which are used in the enrolment. A two-stage fingerprint matching process is proposed for matching the two query fingerprints against a combined minutiae template. By storing the combined minutiae template, the complete minutiae feature of a single fingerprint will not be conceded when the database is stolen. Furthermore, because of the similarity in topology, it is difficult for the attacker to extricate a combined minutiae template from the original minutiae templates. Thus, a new virtual distinctiveness is created for the two different fingerprints, which can be matched using minutiae-based matching algorithms. Compared with the existing techniques, our work has the advantage in crafting a better new virtual identity when the two dissimilar fingerprints are erratically chosen.


Combination, fingerprint, minutiae,privacy protection, image processing, successive mean quantization form.


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