Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:1 Issue:1 Year: 06 June,2013 Pages:1-7
Ad-hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile host forming a temporary network without any centralized administration. There is no fixed infrastructure in which nodes depend on each other to keep network connected. All nodes of the network behave like router. The main requirements of ad-hoc routing protocols are in terms of power efficiency and security. Reactive protocol like on-demand routing protocol are active whenever there is a connection requirement. In Ad-hoc on demand routing protocol routes are created when required. The main aim of this project is to pick an algorithm to compute energy efficient path. Since routing considers available battery energy, our aim is to minimize total energy required to transport a packet by good route. Since node is key on the network, if the energy of each node goes down very quickly, so network lifetime will also go down . In ad-hoc network mobile nodes are basically small-size terminals depending on the battery operated. When a node exhausted its energy is unable to efficiently communicate with others. So here we use energy reduced AODV which calculates the distance between transmitter & receiver node and allocates transmission power based on the distance. In this project we are going to prove the energy consumed by ER-AODV is less when compared to AODV in terms of single source, multiple source, and high-traffic density situations
AODV AODV is an on-demand hop-by-hop based routing protocol, which attempts to determine route when it is required bythe source
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