empirical forum mining

Bhosale Pranita.B,BuchkulPriyanka.S,BankarPriyanka.B,Borawake Priyanka. M

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:4         Issue:1         Year: 09 April,2015         Pages:391-404

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


Empirical forum mining is the online discussion board where user can request and exchange information. The forum contains the lot of data and information can be handle by using threads in the forum crawler. Crawler is nothing but the linking between the pages which we traverse during our searching of any content. There are many existing system which provide the facility to get content but there is a problem in getting the appropriate data. But by using our proposed system we have to obtain the most appropriate answer to the posted question out of thousand responses. We have to avoid wasting of resources from some responses which may not yield desired result. Here in this system we have three pages as index page, entry page and thread page. In entry page we can ask or see the question, in index page there is information on URL pointing to the board. Thread page contains the post to the question. We are using index/thread URL detection, page flipping URL detection and entry URL discovery algorithms to do this. After this FAQ generation technique is applied. In this we are mining the most frequently asked questions and finding the most suitable answer to the question by reducing uninformative data. The conversion of similar URL into the regular expression is done. This is known as index thread flipping (ITF). The clustering of data is done with the help of k-means algorithm


threads, crawler, entry page, index page, thread page, summarization, FAQ


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