efficient regular language search for secure cloud storage

M.Thivakaran,Keerthanaa.M,Padma priya.S ,Shobana.U

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology

ISSN: 2321-3337          Impact Factor:1.521         Volume:6         Issue:3         Year: 22 April,2024         Pages:1924-1929

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology


This paper concerns the fundamental problem of processing conjunctive queries that contain both keyword and range conditions on public clouds in a privacy preserving manner. No prior Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) based privacy preserving conjunctive query processing scheme satisfies the three requirements of adaptive security, efficient query processing, and scalable index size. In this paper, we propose the first privacy preserving conjunctive query processing scheme that satisfies all the above three requirements. To achieve adaptive security, we propose an Indistinguishable Bloom Filter (IBF) data structure for indexing. To achieve efficient query processing and structural indistinguishability, we propose a highly balanced binary tree data structure called Indistinguishable Binary Tree (IBtree). To achieve scalable and compact index size, we propose an IBtree space compression algorithm to remove redundant information in IBFs. To optimize search efficiency, we propose a traversal minimization algorithm. To make our scheme dynamic, we propose update algorithms. We prove that our scheme is adaptive secure under the IND-CKA secure model. The key contribution of this paper is on achieving conjunctive query processing with both strong privacy guarantee and practical efficiency in terms of both speed and space. We implemented our scheme in C++, evaluated and compared its performance with the prior KRB scheme for keyword queries and the prior scheme for range queries on two real-world data sets. Experimental results show that our scheme is both fast and scalable. For example, Processing a query only takes a few milliseconds for millions of records.


Cloud computing, secured policy, indistinguishable bloom filter, EGRQ(Efficient and Geometric Range Query scheme).


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