Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:2 Issue:3 Year: 08 April,2014 Pages:1-14
In today’s world, Web Mining is a much sought after application in the field of Data Mining which helps us in information retrieval in the World Wide Web. Many search engines rank their search results in response to the queries of the users. It includes Link Analysis algorithms i.e., Page Rank, Weighted Page Rank and Weighted Page Content Rank. The most commonly used algorithm in Web mining is the Page Ranking algorithm. Weighted Page Rank also takes the importance of the in links and out links of the pages but the rank score to all links is not equally distributed .i.e. it results in unequal distribution. Weighted Page Content Rank based on web content mining and structure mining that shows the relevancy of the pages to a given query is better determined, as compared to the existing Page Rank and Weighted Page Rank algorithms. Weighted Page Content Rank algorithm has been experimented and it was found out that the time taken to process the web page is more in that algorithm. The processing time increases considerably with the increase in the number of Web pages. In this paper, we have proposed a novel Fuzzy Logic based Web page Content Rank (FLWPCR) algorithm for effective page ranking. The results prove that this hybrid algorithm improves the performance of page ranking in terms of decreased time in the processing of Web pages.
Web Mining, Page Rank, Weighted Page Rank, Weighted Page Content Rank, Fuzzy K Mean, Fuzzy C Mean.
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