Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
ISSN: 2321-3337 Impact Factor:1.521 Volume:3 Issue:2 Year: 25 August,2014 Pages:375-380
A transaction database usually consists of a set of time-stamped transactions. Mining frequent patterns in transaction databases has been studied extensively in data mining research. However, most of the existing frequent pattern mining algorithms (such as Apriori and FP-growth) do not consider the time stamps associated with the transactions. In this paper, we extend the existing frequent pattern mining framework to take into account the time stamp of each transaction and discover patterns whose frequency dramatically changes over time. We define a new type of patterns, called transitional patterns, to capture the dynamic behavior of frequent patterns in a transaction database. Transitional patterns include both positive and negative transitional patterns. Their frequencies increase/decrease dramatically at some time points of a transaction database. We introduce the concept of significant milestones for a transitional pattern, which are time points at which the frequency of the pattern changes most significantly. Moreover, we develop an algorithm to mine from a transaction database the set of transitional patterns along with their significant milestones. Our experimental studies on real-world databases illustrate that mining positive and negative transitional patterns is highly promising as a practical and useful approach for discovering novel and interesting knowledge from large databases.
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