Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Networking,Wireless and Mobile Communications
ISSN: 2320-7248 Impact Factor:1.8 Volume:2 Issue:1 Year: 09 April,2015 Pages:125-131
DDoS represent Denial of service in Distributed system and presents a serious threat into the Internet, when it incepts. In Distributed Reflection DoS (DRDoS), attackers may try to make fool innocent servers while flushing massive packets to victim. But most of current DRDoS detection mechanisms are available which contain own protocol and doesn’t work on other than specific protocol. In DDoS attcks it is found that because of attacking flow and normal flow from server have relation between different packets. While taking this consideration, the Rank Correlation Detection algorithm is comes under the picture. RCD is most efficient algorithm to finding a difference between massive packets and normal packets. It finds the rank of each packets and if it is found as massive then, it discard from the router. RCD can find the difference between reflection flows from legal clients. It is most efficient as well as effectively algorithm for DRDoS, it is used as a indicator in DRDoS.
Rank Correlation, RCD, Distributed Reflection, DoS, Denial of Service
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