design of small hydro electric project using tailrace extension scheme

Delson Jose,Lini Varghese,Renjini G.

Published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ISSN: 2321-4775          Impact Factor:1.6         Volume:3         Issue:1         Year: 26 June,2014         Pages:79-87

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering


World’s electricity consumption is constantly rising. At the same time energy production rate does not seem to be fit for following this trend of growth. Electrical energy, produced by hydropower plants, usually reaches up to 30 and more per cent of national primary production rate and represents one of the stable foundations of electrical energy systems. It might be that, due to the increase of the electricity tariff in the last years small hydroelectric power plants become cost effective. Outlet water from any power plant if the sufficient water quantity and gravity flow is available a small hydro plant is put to get additional power. Power generation by this method is known as tail race extension scheme. By using a tailrace extension scheme we utilize tail water available after generation of power to ensure maximum utilization of available water and also we can increase the capacity of the existing plant without using additional water. For this we have to design a new system with which maximum possible efficiency can be obtained. This paper deals with the aspects of tailrace extension scheme and also includes design aspects of a small hydro electric project using the same at Poringalkuthu power station. The design study showed that construction of small-hydroelectric project was feasible in the project site.




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